
  • Focuses on Optimum use of resources
  • Involves cost benefit analysis
  • Means doing the task correctly and with minimum cost
  • All of the above

Ans:(d) All of the above

2. Which of the following is an organisation objective of the management?

(a) Survival


(c )Profit

(d)All of these

Ans:(d) All of these

3. What distinguishes a successful manager from a less successful one is the ability to put the principles into practice.”which aspect of the nature of management is highlighted in the above statement?

 (a) Management as a science

(b) Management as a profession

 (c )management as an intangible force (d)management as an art

Ans:(d) Management as an art

4. ‘A business needs to add to its prospects in long run.” Which organisational objective of Management highlighted in the given statement?

(a) Profit


(c )Survival


Ans:(d) Growth

5. Identify the dimension of the characteristic of Management-”it is multi dimensional,” which specifies that the task of management is to make the strengths of human resources effective and their weaknesses irrelevant towards achieving the organisation’s objective.

(a) Management of people

(b)Management of goals

(c )Management of work

(d)Management of operation

Ans:(a)Management of people

6. Yah manager applies the acquired knowledge in a personalize and skillful man or in the light of the reality of a given situation the given statement indicates that management is:

(a)A science

(b)An art

(c ) A profession

(d)None of these

Ans:(b) An art

7. Manager of the abc limited achieved the target production, but at a higher production cost.In this case manager is____but not ____.

(a) Efficient, Honest

(b)Effective, Efficient

(c )Efficient ,Effective

(d)None of these

Ans:(b) Effective ,Efficient

8.XYZ Limited has appointed the former consulting executive of Shri circle limited Rajib Lochan as its Vice President.what will be his basic task?

(a)To integrate diverse elements and coordinate activities of different departments.

(b) To carry out plans formulated by top managers

(c ) The efforts of the workforce

(d) Help to maintain quality of output

Ans:(a)To integrate diverse elements and coordinate activities of different departments.

9. Which level of management is responsible for coordinating the activities of different departments according to overall objectives of the organisation?

(a) Top level of management

(b)Middle level of management

(c )Supervisory level

(d)Both (b) and ©

Ans:(a) Top level of management

10. Which level of management is responsible for the welfare and survival of the organisation?

(a) Top level of management

(b)Middle level of management

(c )Supervisory level

(d)Both (b) and ©

Ans:(a) Top level of management

11. To become a Chartered Accountant in India, a candidate has to clear a specified examination conducted by The institute of chartered accountants of India. which feature of profession is being revealed?

(a)Ethical code of conduct

(b)Restricted entry

(c )Professional association

(d)Well defined body of knowledge

Ans:(b)Restricted entry

12. ‘The main objective of any organisation should be do utilise human and material resources to the maximum possible advantages’. The above lines highlight which of the following objective of Management?

(a)Organisational objective

(b)Personal objective

(c )Social activities

(d)both (a) and (b)

Ans: Organisational Objective

13. Star limited, is manufacturing electrical items by using Environmental friendly method of production.Which management objective is used here?

(a)Social objective

(b)Organisational objective

(c )Economic objective

(d) Individual objective

Ans:(a)Social objective

14. A lawyer has to become a member of BAR counci,l to practice law in India.Which feature of profession is being highlighted?

(a) Ethical code of conduct

(b)Service Motive

(c )Restricted entry

(d)Professional association

Ans: Professional association

15. An organisation consists of diverse individuals with different needs, who join the organisation for different purpose ,but as members of the organisation, they work together to achieve organisational goals. Which feature of management is being highlighted?

(a)Goal oriented

(b)Pervasive function

(c )Group activity

(d) Continuous process

Ans: (c ) Group activity

16. “ABC limited” which is a leading software development company. The company is satisfying the diverse of its employee. It’s employees are given competative salaries and pork. They have been given chance for their personal growth and development. For harmony in the organisation management has to reconcile personal goals with organisational objectives. Identify the objective of Management we met by “ABC limited.”



(c )Personal

(d) Both social and personnel

Ans:(c ) Personal

17. ‘To corporate with other departments for smooth functioning of the organisation’ highlights the function of ________ level of management.

(a)Middle level

(b)Top level

(c )Operational level

(d)None of the above

Ans:(a) Middle level

18. ‘Management cannot be seen but its presence can be felt’. Which characteristic of management is highlighted in the given statement?

(a)Intangible force

(b)Dynamic function

(c )Group activities

(d)Continuous process

Ans:(a) Intangible force

19. Trance limited needed funds to fulfill a big order. The management of the company borrowed money from a financial institution at the rate 15% interest ,while the prevailing rate of interest was 11%. As a result of the phone the company was able to achieve the target. According to you management was_____.



(c )Effective

(b)Both (a) and( b)

Ans:(c ) Effective

20. Providing proper working conditions and ensuring that quality of output is maintained is the function of_______ level of management.

(a) Top level

(b)Operation level

(c )Middle level

(d)All of this above

Ans:(b) Operational level

21.” The difference between successful and unsuccessful organisations is that successful organisation do not rely on chance but follow deliberate process to synchronize the activities of different departments to ensure that plan objectives are achieved with a minimum of conflicts.”

The process mention above each:



(c )Planning


Ans:(b) Coordination

22. Alif limited each engaged in manufacturing calculators. The firm decided to provide employment to disadvantaged section of society. Which objective of management is discussed here?

(a)Social objective

(b)Organisational objective

(c )Individual objective

(d)None of these

Ans:(a) Social objective

23. Which of the following is a characteristic of Management?

(a)It is multi dimensional

(b)It is a continuous process

(c )It is pervasive

(d)All of these

Ans: All of these

24. Management must be:



(c )Both(a) and (b)

(d)Either (a) or (b)

Ans:(c )Both(a) and (b)

25. Management is a :

(a)An art

(b)A science

(c )Both science and art


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Jai Hind... Namaskar !!! Apka Pyaar aur Respect, Tavi to hai Mr. Perfect... Lecturer / Writer/ Blogger / Dancer.  Rapper / Fitness Lover / Actor. Founder of Income TaxPe, Hindi PiLa, Shayari me KahaniMCQ Questions, Car Insurance Ok Social Worker Co-founder of Kartabya Foundation(An animal, Social and Natural Welfare Organization.) and Founder of Mission Green Balangir (Natural Welfare Organization).

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