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MCQ on Articles of Association

Corporate Law MCQ on Articles of Association

MCQ on Articles of Association(AOA) MCQ on Articles of Association Also Read Corporate Law MCQ MCQ on Memorandum of Association 1. A company can change its articles by passing (a)…

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Read more about the article Corporate Law MCQ on Memorandum of Association
Corporate Law MCQ on Memorandum of Association

Corporate Law MCQ on Memorandum of Association

MCQ on Memorandum of Association Corporate Law MCQ on Memorandum of Association MCQ on Memorandum of Association Also Read Company Law MCQ MCQ on Introduction to CompanyMCQ on Kinds of…

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Read more about the article Corporate Law MCQ Questions with Answers
Corporate Law MCQ Questions with Answers

Corporate Law MCQ Questions with Answers

Corporate Law MCQ on Introduction to Company Corporate Law MCQ Questions with Answers 1. Indian company act 1956 was based on the which committee (a) Bhabha Committee (b) Company Law…

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Read more about the article Corporate Law MCQ on Kinds of Company
Corporate Law MCQ on Kinds of Company

Corporate Law MCQ on Kinds of Company

Corporate Law MCQ on Kinds of Company Corporate Law MCQ on Kinds of Company 1. The earliest form of incorporation of company is (a) Statutory company (b)Chartered company (c)Registered company…

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Read more about the article Corporate Law MCQ on Introduction to Company
Corporate Law MCQ on Introduction to Company

Corporate Law MCQ on Introduction to Company

Corporate Law MCQ on Introduction of Company Corporate Law MCQ on Introduction to Company 1. Indian company act 1956 was based on the which committee (a) Bhabha Committee (b) Company…

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